Common Wig Mistakes to Avoid

Some Tips and Tricks for Wearing Wigs

Whether you choose to wear a wig due to hair loss, or you simply want more volume and length, it’s important that you’re wearing your wig right. Continue reading to learn common mistakes to avoid.

A female fashion model with long blowing hair against a dark grey background.

Everything Lace Edges

The biggest mistake you can make with wigs comes down to the lace edges. If you choose a lace wig with a thick edge, it will look unnatural and everyone will be able to tell you’re wearing a wig. As an alternative, you can get one with a thinner lace edge, but if it’s cut improperly, you’ll still have unnatural looking results. Additionally, pluck some hair to make the hairline more uneven. This seems counterproductive, but it will actually make the hairline look more realistic by being less straight.

Close up profile photo of a woman wearing a blonde bob wig with ombre pink tips, curled at the ends against a purple background.

Improper Wig Styling

Wigs won’t look realistic right out of the box. Make it look more natural by styling it with proper heat and dying techniques that won’t ruin the hair. Don’t use excessive heat as that can cause shedding and dryness. Tease the hair as needed to achieve a desired look. If you have a middle part, add some powder foundation to make it match your skin tone. Take extra time and care to really make your wig come to life. By the end, you’ll want yourself convinced it’s your real hair.

Profile portrait of beautiful African American woman with long curly hair extensions against a light gray background.

Not Braiding Your Hair Underneath

Another common mistake when starting out is not braiding your hair underneath. Braiding your hair (typically into cornrows) ensures that your natural hair is protected and the wig will lie flat on your head. If you opt for a ponytail or bun instead, the wig will appear bumpy, which is the last thing you want. Braiding your hair will not only supply a solid foundation for your wig, but it will also make it easier to properly care for your natural hair.

It’s critical to take good care of your natural hair so it’s not damaged or becomes smelly. Don’t braid your hair too tightly to allow your scalp to breathe. Remember to wash and oil your hair and scalp regularly. Braids are a wonderful protective style, but proper care is still important.

A young woman of color posing with wet, blowing, curly hair against a teal background.

Choosing the Wrong Wig Cap Color

A simple but common mistake is selecting the wrong color wig cap. It’s essential that you choose a wig cap that’s as close to your natural skin tone as possible. If it’s close, but still not quite right, choose a color that’s slightly lighter than your natural tone, then apply powder foundations to achieve a close match. Remember, you want your wig to look as natural as possible. Mending your wig cap is important for a realistic look.

Wigs are a wonderful hair extension and offer many benefits, but it’s easy to make mistakes when you’re first starting out. Be sure to do research on proper wig care and get everything you’ll need to achieve the most natural look. Cabello Elite offers premier hair extensions and high-quality wigs. Shop now to get started!

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